Laberinto de las Ciencias y las Artes Museum is a space for scientific and art dissemination that seeks after learning and awakening of scientific vocations.
The museum has interactive exhibitions that are found in 5 thematic halls.

Locate the museum areas

Move through the corridors and discover the rooms and areas of the museum

Get to know this work or art

Roberto ragazzoni esculptor and artist who created the word "El Poliedro"

Discover our interactive exhibits

110 exhibits in 4 themed rooms and a room for children under 5 year old

Get your tickets

Check costs, schedules and activities we offer

Find your souvenir

We have a variety of items, we are waiting for you.


• Food intake is restricted to the cafeteria area, and bubble gum is not allowed inside the museum.
• It is forbidden to smoke or to light any tobacco or nicotine product inside the museum facilities.
• Tras los colores hall is restricted to children ranging from 0 to 5 years old.


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Politica de privacidad
Aviso de privacidad corto. En cualquiera de los formatos generados por el Museo Laberinto de las Ciencias y las Artes de San Luis Potosí, en los que se recaben datos personales, el Museo será responsable de su tratamiento; así mismo, se les informa que la instancia para poder ejercer cualquier derecho de acceso, rectificación, cancelación u oposición (derecho ARCO), podrá ser solicitado directamente en la Unidad de Transparencia del Museo Laberinto de las Ciencias y las Artes, ubicado en Boulevard Antonio Rocha Cordero s/n, C.P. 78364, San Luis Potosí, S.L.P. Politica de privacidad